We support our residents in their initial settlement in Quebec

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Settlement and support

We support our residents in their initial settlement in Quebec by offering the following services:

  • Psychosocial support
  • Child enrollment in daycare or school
  • Registration for French language courses
  • Assistance with opening a bank account
  • Help purchasing an OPUS card and familiarizing them with the public transport network (STM)
  • Accompaniment to medical and legal appointments
  • Interpretation services
  • Registration with food banks delivering to Foyer du Monde
  • Referrals to immigration partner organizations for benefits/allowance applications and immigration procedures
  • Referrals to employment services provided by immigration partner organizations.

Admission Form

Step 1 of 6

This form allows us to assess whether you are eligible to reside at Foyer du Monde. It does not guarantee you a place in the organization. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE DO NOT ACCEPT ANY URGENT APPLICATIONS; WE OPERATE ON A WAITLIST. Also note that the Foyer du Monde team does not provide overnight and weekend support. For any questions regarding this form, please contact admissions at 514-903-9739, extension 3, or by email at intervention@foyerdumonde.ca.

You identify as:

We earned their trust

At Foyer du monde, we offer more than just a place to live. Residents benefit from concrete advantages, personalized support, and a focus on human connection that makes all the difference. Our services are designed to meet the individual needs of our residents. Discover testimonials from those who have found more than a roof here but a true community where everyone is valued and supported on their journey.

About Foyer du monde

“ L'accueil était fabuleux. Foyer du Monde est une maison pour les parents, accueillant tout le monde. Quand l'enfant grandit, il s'en va mais sans oublier ses parents, les visitant, etc. C'est un organisme unique, nous adorons FDM (Foyer du Monde). Nous avons passé d'agréables moments au Foyer. J'ai vécu au Canada pendant 4 ans sans m'intégrer. C'est ici que j'ai appris le fonctionnement du système. C'était comme un voyage, où j'ai découvert beaucoup de choses. Je suis très satisfait de tout.”


“Je me suis habituée au Foyer, je me suis retrouvée ici. Il y a de la sécurité, on vit comme une famille. En peu de mots, je me sens bien si je pouvais encore rester une année je resterais, on se sent soutenu, il y a des gens autour de nous.”


"Je ne savais pas qu'un endroit comme celui-ci existait, je me suis senti chez moi."
